We work hard on us.

Every day. We work hard. We love hard.

We met 5 years ago working in a smelly dive bar. I was actively NOT looking for a man. I was 23 and loving life alone. Or so I thought.

A month after we met, and being inseparable, we knew we wanted to be together; and then a month later God blessed us with a pregnancy neither of us expected. We were scared, but oddly enough, we were even more excited. Life got real tough, real fast.

In the last 5.5 years we have opened and closed a business. Flipped a couple homes. Had another baby. Got 2 more dogs + a cat. Tried urban chicken farming. We started a new business and are working on our third + fourth. We bought a new home in a city we’ve wanted to be in for years. We have gone on the best trips.

We’ve had some amazing times.

We’ve also had some rough times.

We have fought hard. We have cried til snot was running down our face. We have screamed and yelled. We have had panic attacks. We have had times where we didn’t know if we were going to work. We’ve blamed, resented & have been downright mean to each other. Our communication skills are definitely a work in progress.

But no matter HOW hard of a day we go through, we never go to bed angry. Ever. We love harder than ANY fight we could ever have. We are legit BEST friends. We have no boundaries. 😂 We could spend every second of every day together, pretty much already do, and would be happy.

We fight hard. For us.

We fight hard. For this.

We fight hard. For our family.

Nothing good comes easy, but I wouldn’t want to be doing life with anyone else.

I don’t talk too much about our relationship, but I have connected with a lot of you over the subject, so I think I may just start sharing a bit of us.
